Monday, 5 September 2011


The first new material from the amazing 12 DIRTY BULLETS since their debut album "Downsides To Making A Living" is out TODAY!

If you've had your head in a shed for the last couple of years and haven't experienced 12 DIRTY BULLETS yet, either live or recorded, then you need to remedy this now. So far the band have been running parallel to the success that is inevitable and that they undoubtedly warrant and deserve but one day soon the world will tire of the mindless drivel that is currently filling the charts and the airwaves and the great British guitar band will return to the fore. 12 DIRTY BULLETS are definitely one of the bands that will be up there leading the charge and they will switch lanes into the mainstream and the world will take notice. Bring it on.

The first new ammunition for the battle ahead is "MOTOWN", the first release from the band's as yet unnamed second album. Another perfectly crafted rock 'n roll song that makes your mouth water as a taster for what's coming on the album.  The chorus almost serves as a warning that 12 DIRTY BULLETS are coming to take over the world town by town. "We go Motown in YOUR town..." and you better listen or be left behind with your Beyonce and N-Dubz CDs.

MOTOWN along with the few other new songs that the band have been playing live recently make for exciting times ahead. Times in which the band are going to be playing plenty of live dates around the world for you to catch a glimpse of them up close and to experience the band, the OUTSTANDING old songs and the AMAZING new songs before the album hits the streets.

Get involved. Get the song, Get the album. See the band. Motown in YOUR Town. Soon!

Motown is available on iTunes HERE
Downsides To Making A Living (album) is available on iTunes HERE
The 12 DIRTY BULLETS FaceBook page is HERE

UK tour dates will be anounced VERY SOON so watch this space. The currently anounced American dates are available HERE

Spread the word.


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