Sunday, 14 October 2012

12 Dirty Bullets - The new album RIDDLES - OUT NOW.

The highly anticipated second album from 12 Dirty Bullets has arrived.  Man! has it arrived? 
"Riddles" is 13 tracks of pure class.  Even the 40 second Intro is quality... 
It was always going to be a tall order to better their 2009 debut "Downsides To Making A Living" but you know what?  They have.
Kicking straight into DREAMERS.  Already a live favourite it is stunning in it's studio form and a brilliant song to start to the album and set the mood for what's to come.
SLOW DOWN would have slotted sweetly into the middle of the Downsides... album but fits equally well here, giving an indication of how the new songs definitely have the 12 Dirty Bullets sound that we know and love while still being a major leap forward.  Definitely a good thing in my book.
I started writing this review two days ago and it included a track by track review of this album but there is no need for you to be subjected to me 'gushing' about every track because that is the inevitable outcome with such a good album.  Just take my recommendation and hear it once after that your head will do the rest.
It's hard to pick out singles from the album but alongside the two we've already had you could easily add EMILY, DREAMERS and SLOW DOWN.  There are no tracks to skip.  Every song really is great and I can't say enough good things about them. 
I can guarantee that you will love this album.  You don't have to appreciate the extreme talent that has gone into writing and producing these songs, all you have to do is buy it, listen to it and love it.
It is a sin that 12 DIRTY BULLETS are still hovering under the radar of superstardom.  They deserve it.  They proved that with the quality of their debut album and now with RIDDLES they have raised the bar again.  It is their time. Spread the word.
You can hear the album version of MOTOWN below.
The official release is October 15th but you can buy it NOW! HERE
Don't tell anyone, tell EVERYONE!

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