Thursday, 29 September 2011

ALL THE YOUNG - Listen to Quiet Night In EP Preview (and pre-order)

Hello boys and girls. Just when you thought today couldn't get any hotter it only has..

Here is a preview of the tracks from the new ALL THE YOUNG - Quiet Night In EP from ALL THE YOUNG's SoundCloud page.

All the Young - Quiet Night In EP (Preview) by All The Young

This is the biggest single release from the band so far and sets up their first chance to make the iTunes chart so please pre-order it this week and support the lads.

Of course if you pre-order it using my link HERE then I stand a small chance of winning a signed guitar which I will let you look at from time to time or even a local gig from the band. So please do.

Many thanks.  Listen to the preview and you will want to buy it automatically.


Just in case you missed it, my link is HERE  and HERE

...and HERE   and HERE

it is also HERE


Saturday, 24 September 2011

WHERE'S STRUTTER? play Double Trouble @ Moho Live!

The UK's only band to be named after a missing snake are going to be putting on a night to remember  next month when they perform two gigs in one venue in one night. 
Manchester's MOHO Live will play host on October 28th to an early gig for all ages, with support from Marner Brown and Life Sentence, followed by an over 18s gig later on with support from The Soviets, Section 60 and another appearance from Marner Brown.

The early gig will run from 6PM - 7.30PM and is COMPLETELY FREE!!! So kids, you don't even have to rob your Mam to get down there.  Just turn up.  The late gig starts at 8PM and is a mere FIVE English Pounds. 

Get involved.  It's gonna' be a party man!


Check out Where's Strutter? @:-
FaceBook HERE
Twitter HERE
YouTube HERE

Monday, 19 September 2011

IC1s debut single "Levitate" OUT TODAY. Check 'em out.

I've said many times recenly that we're currently experiencing good times as far as new bands and music goes.  One of the most exciting prospects for the next couple of years are definitely IC1s.  Formed in London barely a year ago, their reputation is growing rapidly from word of mouth and today sees the release of the brilliant official debut single "Levitate".   If you've not heard this song yet or the demo version that's been floating around, you will be hooked from the second the drums kick in. 

IC1s are not all hype and talk though.  They have the songs to back up their reputation and already have some high profile fans.  Alan McGee can't stop talking about them and The Libertine's Gary Powell has put the Levitate single out on his "25 Hour Convenience" record label.  The band have also shared a stage with some big names already including The Cribs and The Charlatans.

I see only big things ahead for IC1s (no pun intended) and I can't wait to experience them live and to hear more material. (Check the SoundCloud link below for some demos)

Chek 'em out. Get involved.  See them play...


LEVITATE is available now on iTunes HERE (BUY IT TODAY!)

There are more tracks to listen to HERE on the band's SoundCloud page.

Some good live vids available on their YouTube page HERE

The official IC1s web site is HERE

Official FaceBook page is HERE

Saturday, 17 September 2011

ALL THE YOUNG - New 5 track EP available to pre-order.

Get excited people.  The Quiet Night In EP is available to pre-order NOW, with a release date of 9th October.  Not only does the EP contain the amazing Quiet Night In single but it also contains TWO COMPLETELY NEW SONGS too.  As well as an acoustic version of QNI and the Large Night Out Remix.

Track List:-

1 Quiet Night In
2 The War (Acoustic)
3 Never Too Late
4 Quiet Night In (Acoustic)
5 Quiet Night In (Large Night Out Remix)

Click HERE to pre-ordered now so you can get it at midnight on release day.




Saturday, 10 September 2011

12 DIRTY BULLETS Live from the USA tonight. Listen live.

If you don't know already, 12 DIRTY BULLETS are currently touring in the States. Tonight, or rather in the middle of the morning for us, they will be playing the the WMMR Dockside Fest in Philadelphia. The link below will stream 93.3 WMMR.
According to Mark @CrosshairMusic (follow him on Twitter), the band are on stage at 8PM local time which SHOULD be 1AM our time.

WMMR radio stream is HERE

Thursday, 8 September 2011

808 STATE - Blueprint - The Best Of . On iTunes NOW.

Blueprint ZTT Salvo sleeve

If you know anything about Dance music or House music or if you journeyed anywhere near Manchester in the late 80s to early 90s then you already know that 808 State are the Dance DJ House Music Kings (I just made that up.) They have produced some of the most anthemic Dance / House tracks out there as well as writing and producing for numerous other artists. 

BLUEPRINT is titled as "The Best of 808 State" and it is completely excellent, but there is no way that you could put the best of 808 State on a 17 track album.  However.  If you know 808 State then this is an excellent addition.  If you don't know them then this is an excellent starting point.

Go and buy it TODAY!!

Available on iTines HERE

Also check out THIS PAGE for other 808 State releases info.

Monday, 5 September 2011


The first new material from the amazing 12 DIRTY BULLETS since their debut album "Downsides To Making A Living" is out TODAY!

If you've had your head in a shed for the last couple of years and haven't experienced 12 DIRTY BULLETS yet, either live or recorded, then you need to remedy this now. So far the band have been running parallel to the success that is inevitable and that they undoubtedly warrant and deserve but one day soon the world will tire of the mindless drivel that is currently filling the charts and the airwaves and the great British guitar band will return to the fore. 12 DIRTY BULLETS are definitely one of the bands that will be up there leading the charge and they will switch lanes into the mainstream and the world will take notice. Bring it on.

The first new ammunition for the battle ahead is "MOTOWN", the first release from the band's as yet unnamed second album. Another perfectly crafted rock 'n roll song that makes your mouth water as a taster for what's coming on the album.  The chorus almost serves as a warning that 12 DIRTY BULLETS are coming to take over the world town by town. "We go Motown in YOUR town..." and you better listen or be left behind with your Beyonce and N-Dubz CDs.

MOTOWN along with the few other new songs that the band have been playing live recently make for exciting times ahead. Times in which the band are going to be playing plenty of live dates around the world for you to catch a glimpse of them up close and to experience the band, the OUTSTANDING old songs and the AMAZING new songs before the album hits the streets.

Get involved. Get the song, Get the album. See the band. Motown in YOUR Town. Soon!

Motown is available on iTunes HERE
Downsides To Making A Living (album) is available on iTunes HERE
The 12 DIRTY BULLETS FaceBook page is HERE

UK tour dates will be anounced VERY SOON so watch this space. The currently anounced American dates are available HERE

Spread the word.
