Friday, 29 July 2016

Viola Beach Album released Today.

I don't have much time to write on this blog recently but I have purposely taken time out to write this.  There are two reasons for this. 

The first is that as a father with sons of the same age as Kris, River, Tomas, Jack and Craig, I feel the loss for the families on a personal level.  I can't comprehend how this has effected the them but my thoughts will always be with them.

The second is that I had already switched on to Viola Beach and was really looking forward to watching them play in Middlesbrough later in February.  It was plain to see that these boys had talent.  The few songs that I had heard were brilliantly written and performed and I wanted to hear more.  Much more!

I'm not writing this to dwell.  I'm writing this so that as many people as possible will be made aware of the release of the album of their recordings to date that has been released today.  Viola Beach had a big future.  There is absolutely no doubt in my mind.  They just had the style, the talent and the songs.  I don't profess to be some music industry expert but I definitely know music and  what is good and what is great.

Viola Beach were great and for as long as this album and their songs are listened to, they will remain great.

Don't only stream this album.  Buy it and show your respect for their ability.

RIP Boys.  You live on in this album.

MickDude x


Buy the CD (and other merch.) Here

Spotify: Listen

Apple Music: Listen / Buy

Please read about the Viola Beach Memorial Fund Here: Viola Beach Memorial Fund