Thursday, 28 April 2016

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Oasis - Glastonbury 1994 (Full gig)

Nothing else needs to be said. Enjoy the complete Oasis set from Glastonbury 1994.  

Oasis at their finest.


Monday, 25 April 2016

Man Made debut album this Friday!!

You need to get on this.  

Man Made release their debut album this Friday. You can pre-order it now....

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Minor Victories tour dates - Be there!

Minor Victories
Minor Victories 

......are Slowdive's Rachel Goswell, Mogwai's Stuart Braithwaite, Editors' Justin Lockey & Hand Held Cine Club's James Lockey.

They're playing a few dates In early May and you need to be at at least one of them.

Trust me.

Mick x

Tickets and details here.

Bruce Springsteen covers Purple Rain.

Bruise Springsteen opened his show in Brooklyn with a cover of Purple Rain as a tribute to the star who died last week.

Mick x

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Check Lyerr - Miss Bright Ideas.

Definitely more to come from these boys...


Hurricane #1 air new tune "I Wanna Kill You"

Hurricane #1 air new tune "I Wanna Kill You" 

Official release June 3rd, initially as a download. Other format details to follow....,

White Lies cover Prince's I Would Die For You.

White Lies have released a cover of the Prince song I Would Die For You on their Soundcloud page....