Monday, 8 April 2013

Indie Wirks Presents SET IN STONE / Ian Tilton

The Stone Roses: One of the most iconic bands to emerge from the Indie music scene.  The band that arguably spawned the whole baggy era that paved the way to Britpop.  Innovators to the end.  In a time when the world was listening to American hairspray rock and the acid house scene was in it's infancy, four lads from Manchester were plugging in and rocking out such modern day classics as I Wannabe Adored, Waterfall, Elephant Stone and Fools Gold to name but a few.
The story of the Stone Roses, from their humble beginnings in 1986 right through to their break into Heaven,  including all the good times and many moments that document milestones in the history of music have been captured by the rock photographer Ian Tilton in his much anticipated book "SET IN STONE".  An unrivalled insight into the life of The Stone Roses from someone who was there.  Their story could not be told as accurately or intimately as this from anyone other than Ian Brown,  Mani, John Squire or Reni themselves.
Ian Tilton has an outstanding CV with regard to music photography.  Over the past thirty years he has captured such legends as Kurt Cobain, Guns N’ Roses, The Smiths, The Cure, Oasis, The Happy Mondays, The Charlatans, Iggy Pop, Suede, The Faces, Ian Curtis, Primal Scream, Sonic Youth, The La's, The Pixies, Manic Street Preachers, New Order and more.
On the 20th of April, Ian Tilton will be appearing at The Venue, Abbey Street, Derby to personally deliver his documentation of The Stone Roses story.  A unique opportunity to pick up your copy and chat with the author himself.
Co-Author Claire Caldwell will also be there, reading passages from the book live on stage. Claire grew up in the North West when the "Madchester" era was evolving and her love for the scene is second to none. She has worked as a photographer, stylist, script editor and film-maker.
The event will be compared by none other than Rick Witter, frontman from Shed 7 who themselves were a big part of the 90's Britpop scene that emerged from the musical influence of Madchester and The Stone Roses.  Rick will also be introducing up-and-coming Derbyshire band The Indiannas, who are carrying the torch forward for indie music.

To round off what is sure to be a great night, the event is headlined by The Complete Stone Roses.  Easily the number one Stone Roses tribute band, they will definitely bring the night to an amazing climax with all of The Stone Roses classics.
Get your tickets soon people.  There may very well be none left on the door.  It's gonna' be a big one.

Tickets: £9.50 Advance or £10.50 On The Door
Available HERE

More Info on:-
Ian Tilton HERE
The Indieannas HERE
The Complete Stone Roses HERE
Indie Wirks Promotions HERE