Monday, 31 December 2012

Indie Guitar Revolution Volume #1 - COMING SOON.

Coming soon ........

Indie Guitar Revolution Volume #1

Tell your friends, tell your enemies. 

The revolution is about to begin.................

Saturday, 15 December 2012

12 Dirty Bullets release FREE album. 12.12.12

As if 12 Dirty Bullets RIDDLES album isn't enough to satisfy you're Christmas appetite, they've only gone and released a totally brilliant, totally free stripped down album to celebrate 12th of December 2012.  The album is a mix of old tracks , newer tracks and totally unheard tracks all performed in a stripped down acoustic setting and all great versions.
The album 12.12.12 is available free from the 12DBs web site HERE - go to the download section.
The new album RIDDLES and the debut album DOWNSIDES TO MAKING A LIVING are both still available HERE
More info on 12 DIRTY BULLETS HERE
Get them in your ears and buy the albums.
Support the guitar revolution.