Friday, 25 November 2011

Looking for the future? Check out FRONTIERS.

Every now and then a band comes along that are THAT good that they make you want to swear.  Well I'm telling you, FRONTIERS are THAT FUCKIN' GOOD!!! 

Apart from good songs, which they have, they have that quality of bringing great bands to mind while remaining unique.  Amongst the bands they bring to mind are early New Order, The Cure, The Cult, Puressence and even a bit of Kasabian so you know they have a great sound before you scroll down to have a listen.

So who are FRONTIERS?

They are Jacob Austin,  Jonnie Barnett,  Charlie Burley,  Alex Noble and they are from Nottingham.  They've been around since 2007 and had a period of limelight around 2009 when they raised a few eyebrows, but they took a step back from the limelight and have re-emerged this year with a buzz of expectancy surrounding them.

They've written some new songs and thrown away some old and what they are playing right now is top notch.  Ladies and gentlemen, turn your volume up....... I give you FRONTIERS:--

Alibi (Demo)
Alibi (demo) by frontiersofficial

Sound Of Confusion (Demo)
Sound of Confusion (demo) by frontiersofficial

Yesterday's Child (Demo)
Yesterday's Child (demo) by frontiersofficial

In Persuit (Demo)
In Pursuit (demo) by frontiersofficial

Well what do you think?

"Excellent" is one of the appropriate answers to that question. You need to be involved with FRONTIERS. Here are some links that will help you find more songs and more info.... DO IT!!


FRONTIERS Official:-

Web page is HERE 

SoundCloud page is HERE

 FaceBook page is HERE

 MySpace page is HERE

Thursday, 3 November 2011

NOEL GALLAGHER Live on Radio and TV Tonight.

Episode image for Noel Gallagher

NB: This was Thursday 3rd November 2011
Radio 2 are broadcasting Lord NOEL of GALLAGHER's gig tonight live from the BBC Radio Theatre in London.  The radio show starts at 8PM UK time but I'm pretty sure that the gig starts at 9PM UK time.

Even better news is that if you're in the UK you can watch the whole thing live on any BBC channel by pressing the RED BUTTON and also on the BBC Radio 2 web site.

Gonna be good.

The RADIO 2 Web page is HERE if you want to listen online.



Tuesday, 1 November 2011

WHERE'S STRUTTER? Need your vote. (It only takes a second.)

Easily my favorite band named after a missing snake, WHERE'S STRUTTER? are currently taking part in City SoundWave which is a competition run jointly by Key 103 Radio and Manchester City Football club

To keep it short, they are the best band in it and all you have to do is vote. (You could also win a pair of tickets to see EXAMPLE on December 1st.)

Click the link below, enter your name and email (NO JUNK MAIL UNLESS YOU ASK FOR IT), tick the WHERE'S STRUTTER? box, make sure you tick the Terms and Conditions box and click SUBMIT MY VOTE.  Done!

The link is HERE

Many thanks from me and I'm sure from the band.  You can check them out on their FaceBook page HERE 


THE CHAPMAN FAMILY Announce NOVEMBER OFFENSIVE TOUR (and wage war on The Government)

THE CHAPMAN FAMILY have announced an 18 date NOVEMBER OFFENSIVE TOUR kicking off tonight in Manchester. 

The tour, in the words of the band, is in homage to the gunpowder plot of 1605 and they are "waging war on the leaders of this country and all the apathetic zombies who have allowed them to fuck us into the gutter". 

We'll all have a bit of that eh?

The full statement reads:-

Remember remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason should ever be forgot...

This November in homage to the legendary plot of 1605 we will be waging war with the leaders of this country and all the apathetic zombies who have allowed them to fuck us into the gutter. We are declaring a state of artistic emergency from within the “music industry” where creativity, relevance and integrity have been replaced by the banal, the pointless and the derivative. We are raising our colours and heading once more into the breach and seeking out those of you who like us can't relate to the man sitting at the head of the nations table making decisions that neither help nor represent us or to the artists who claim to be like us and speak for us. Fuck them. This is our opening salvo, our November Offensive. It is a statement of intent and it is just the beginning.

The riots this August proved that if enough people can be mobilised under an ideal then they cannot be stopped. Whether the reasons for the violence and rage felt in our capital and throughout this country were righteous or not is irrelevant, it's the motivational message that matters. It's a message that resonated deep within us and it's the message that has inspired us. We have always striven to be a band that stood for something, to be a band where the word dissonance wasn't just used as a description of our sound, to be a band that were never afraid to say what we really felt and to never compromise or sell out our integrity. Now more than ever we feel capable of living up to what we always hoped we could be. We're tighter, leaner and more focused than we have ever been. We have two new family members who share our anger at the present and our hopefulness and optimism for the future. We are reverting back to the DIY ideals that built this band and are taking control of our own destiny.

Just as the plot of 1605 has resonated forever through history so too will this tour resonate forever through our history. It will be remembered as the time we stood up and spoke out against the injustices that we live through in this country every day, against the prejudices of our government and the grinning, flaccid cunt in charge, against the cuts to our public sector which have forced unemployment up to its highest level in 15 years, against the bible bashers and crazed anti-abortionists who want to take away the right of choice from the women of this country, against the openly racist and xenophobic beliefs of organisations like the EDL and the BNP and against the dumbing down and commoditization of art. We have a voice and we intend to use it and we urge you to do the same. Once more into the breach dear friends...


Not sure I totally agree about the scruffy bastard rioters intent but I see their point.

The tour dates are:-

01/11 MANCHESTER Sound Control
02/11 LONDON Wheelbarrow
03/11 HIGH WYCOMBE Bucks Uni
04/11 SUNDERLAND Sumo @ Independent
05/11 STOCKTON-ON-TEES Georgian Theatre
07/11 LEEDS Hyde Park Picture House
08/11 PORTSMOUTH Edge of the Wedge
09/11 CAMBRIDGE Cornerhouse
10/11 LEICESTER Lock 42
11/11 CARDIFF Buffalo Bar
12/11 BRISTOL Louisiana
15/11 BEDFORD Esquires
16/11 NOTTINGHAM Dark Edge @ The Greyhound
17/11 HARTLEPOOL The Red Room
18/11 PRESTON Mad Ferret
19/11 GLASGOW The Art School
20/11 SOWERBY BRIDGE Puzzle Hall
21/11 SHEFFIELD Soyo

Get involved and get along to at least one of the dates.  If you've never seen them live before, your in for a show I'm tellin' ya'!!


Check out :-
The Chapman Family Official site HERE
The Chapman Family FaceBook HERE

and if you haven't already, then check out the album BURN YOUR TOWN HERE

12 DIRTY BULLETS announce UK tour dates.

After completing the 2 month American leg of their "Motown In Your Town" tour covering 30 major US cities and growing their following along the way, 12 DIRTY BULLETS have at last announced the dates for the UK leg of the tour.  Kicking off in Southampton on December 3rd, the band say they will mainly be playing songs from the much anticipated second album, but between you and me, we know that they're not getting out of the building without playing at least a few tracks from DOWNSIDES TO MAKING A LIVING.

This may well be the last time you get a chance to see the band in venues this small 'cos when the new album arrives the Bullets are gonna' explode.  Take my word for it. Get your tickets or get your sleeping bags.  One way or another make sure you don't miss this tour.  Dates as follows:-


*tickets available on the door only

*tickets available soon

Tickets HERE

Tickets HERE

Tickets HERE

*tickets available soon

*free entry

Tickets HERE 

*tickets available soon

Tickets HERE

Get involved.....

Management, Crosshair Music HERE

Check out the band's first album "Downsides To Making a Living" on iTunes HERE
Latest single "Motown" from the second album HERE