Sunday, 23 October 2011

NOEL GALLAGHER announced UK tour dates & Ticket details.

The Legend that is NOEL GALLAGHER has announced his long awaited general UK tour dates.  The dates run through February 2012 to March as follows:-

13th Feb 2012 MANCHESTER, MEN Arena
16th Feb 2012 BELFAST, Odyssey Arena
17th Feb 2012 DUBLIN, The O2
23rd Feb 2012 NEWCASTLE, Metro Radio Arena
24th Feb 2012 GLASGOW, SECC Hall 4
26th Feb 2012 LONDON, The O2
01st Mar 2012 BIRMINGHAM, NIA

These are the dates released so far but you'll notice that each gig has more than enough space for extra dates to be slotted in.  We'll see what happens.

Tickets are available a day early to registered members of NOEL's web site so get yourself registered NOW! HERE

Ticket Details:-

General Sale:-
9am on Thursday 27th October - for Belfast and Dublin
9am on Friday 28th October  - for Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow, London and Birmingham

Pre-Sale for members starts 9am on Wednesday 26th October and pretty much runs up until general sale.

Pre-sale is through NoelGallagher.Com
General sale is via the usual outlets.

See you at the bar...


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

THE STONE ROSES start with two Manchester dates - (Ticket details.)

THE STONE ROSES reunion is official.  The ORIGINAL four members Ian, Reni, Mani and John will initially play two massive shows in Manchester's Heaton Park on 29th and 30th of June next year.

The tickets which are gonna' be like Fools Gold Dust go on sale @ 9.30 AM this Friday 21st October from the following outlets;-

Gigs and Tours HERE Tel: 0844 811 0051
TicketMaster HERE Tel: 0844 826 2826
TicketLine HERE Tel: 0161 832 1111

Hospitallity packages and over night stays are available via  The Stone Roses Web site HERE

Best of luck getting hold of them ... See you down the front...


(I have to say that is the shittest poster design EVER!)

Saturday, 15 October 2011

MISSING ANDY - The album is finally here.

The long awaited and much anticipated debut album from MISSING ANDY has finally hit the streets.

"Generation Silenced" is 12 glorious tracks of pure Indie Mod Madness, Literally.  The influences are there and jump out at you immediately but Missing Andy have their own  unique sound and an edge that will ensure that, come the UK Indie Revolution, (It IS coming, I promise) they will be up the front giving it large.

The songs are very clever, very catchy and very relevant.  They are filled with truth, sincerity and brilliant humor. 

Buy this album and buy it TODAY.  If you don't love it instantly I WILL GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY BACK**

It's available now on iTunes HERE 
The FaceBook page is HERE
The YouTube Channel is HERE

Check out these songs from the album...



...And a couple of others Missing Andy CLASSICS that are doing the rounds.


THE WAY WE'RE MADE (MADE IN ENGLAND) (Low volume on this one, Turn it up)

NOW! Haven't you bought it yet? Get involved people....


THE STONE ROSES are reforming.

SHIT MAN!!!!  THE STONE ROSES ARE REFORMING...  I can't actually believe I'm typing this.  The world has been STONE ROSESless since 1996 when John and Ian fell out and the band members moved on to other things, but it looks like the past is the past and the FUTURE IS LEMON!

A "Very important announcement" will be made at a press conference in London on Tuesday (18th October). That's as much as has been said officially but on the grapevine it is being said that there are initially two gigs planned for Manchester in 2012 followed by a full UK tour and then gigs around Europe. 

Watch this space for further details, and keep an eye on the news on Tuesday.....

The NME are running a story following a 'cryptic message' from Reni stating "Not before 9T will I wear the hat 4 the Roses again".  They are suggesting that this means Reni will not be involved despite the fact that Reni has been up for a reunion for years.  However, he WAS the first to leave the band so we'll have to see who turns up on Thursday. 


Thursday, 13 October 2011

MILES KANE Hits Middlesbrough to kick of his UK tour. (Videos)

The God of Mod cool, Miles Kane kicked off his UK tour in Middlesbrough tonight with a storming and enthusiastic performance at The Empire.  The sell out crowd managed to match him for enthusiasm and together they blew the place apart.  Performing plenty of tracks from his "The Colour Of The Trap" album, he also added a cover of The Beatles "Hey Bulldog" and a BRAND NEW track written only last week called "Woman's Touch". 

A brilliant gig. Brilliant crowd.  Brilliant Miles Kane.

More Videos to follow....

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

ALL THE YOUNG - Album track list and release date?

Amazon have put up a listing for the All The Young album and they're actually taking pre-orders.  According to them the album will be released on February 6th 2012 and the track list is as follows:-

1. Another Miracle
2. Today
3. The First Time
4. Arcane
5. The Horizon
6. Quiet Night In
7. Chase
8. Here To Stay
9. New Education
10. Welcome Home

True or False? Watch this space..


Monday, 10 October 2011

THE TWANG plus WHERE'S STRUTTER? play Newcastle this week.

I'm gutted to say I'm gonna' miss it but there's gonna' be a right rip roaring bash at Newcastle Riverside on Thursday night (13th Oct).

Hey! The Twang on their own would liven up any town but with Where's Strutter? playing with them it's gonna' be a ZONE & a half!!!

I know you'll miss me but...

Get yourself there!!!

Tickets HERE


Tuesday, 4 October 2011

THE SMITHS - The Complete Catalogue is now available.

If I hear one more person quote 'Reissue, repackage repackage' I'm going to slap someone.

You forgot to read inbetween the lines for the bit that said "Remaster, Remaster and then release as good a version of the songs as is possible". SHUT IT!!!

I for one am over the moon to be able to own a completelty REMASTERED (by Johnny Marr) copy of The Smiths' catalogue.  They are still the most influential English band ever and to have the tracks remastered by the man who wrote them is top. 

Really pleased that this is finally in the world.

Get yours...


The iTunes Album is HERE
The CD set is available on AMAZON HERE
The Box Set is available on AMAZON link is HERE

Monday, 3 October 2011


Another one from my mate Cuz. (Facebook)

FRANCO AND THE DREADNOUGHT are good.  In fact they are very good.  I've heard 13 songs once and the 14th 21 times so far.... All I need to report for now is.......  They ARE GOOD. Check them out.

I will surely write more about this band..


Here's one track "Catch Of The Pride".  The other 13 are on the band's SoundCloud page HERE

CATCH OF THE PRIDE by FrancoAndTheDreadnought

Also the band's FaceBook page is HERE

Saturday, 1 October 2011


Hi all,

Just a quick one to let you know that Indie Pen Dude blog now has a Facebook page. I will use the Facebook page to post quick stories, music links and other odd stuff that doesn't need to go onto the actual blog. It will also be much easier for you to drop in any quick comments or just generally keep in touch.

Please LIKE the page and SHARE the page to spread the word.

Many many thanks,


The page is HERE